Nothing But Good Vibes

Our purpose is quite simple: To revolutionize how women experience the world through proactive oral health and self-care habits. At Sleep Peachy, we believe in the transformative power of a good night’s sleep and a confident smile. That’s why we’re committed to helping women revitalize their nighttime routine to address common dental issues like grinding and clenching while maximizing their beauty sleep.

Our custom-fit dental night guards are not only comfortable and affordable, but also easy to mold at home, ensuring a snug and secure fit that promotes restful sleep. With Sleep Peachy, you can drift into dreamland with confidence, knowing that your oral health and wellness are in good hands – because when you sleep well, you wake up feeling peachy keen!


Your Wellness Buddy

As your ultimate wellness ally, we are here to educate, empower, and support you along your self-care journey toward a happier lifestyle. After all, a healthy smile leads to a healthier you – and that is definitely something to smile about!

Oral Health is Overall Health

PSA: Oral health isn’t just about your smile. It’s intricately linked to your physical health and overall mental/emotional wellness. Good oral health contributes to better heart health, improved digestion, and enhanced mental well-being. When you prioritize oral health, you’re investing in a happier, healthier you, from head to toe.




Meet the mastermind behind Sleep Peachy’s revolutionary dental solutions, Dr. Monroe Elkin. With over 30 years of expertise in dentistry and a passion for innovation, Dr. Elkin pioneered 
our patented Magic-Fit material and crafted the ultimate dental night guard, delivering unmatched comfort, protection, and peace of mind.